The Foco Tonal
The Tonal Focus is a circle on the earth, in which a curious phenomenon occurs. When standing in the center
The best way to learn about the world, is living it! The only way to achieve that is by packing your bag and travel. There is nothing quite like it, seeing a new place for the first time or returning to a favorite one is priceless.
The Tonal Focus is a circle on the earth, in which a curious phenomenon occurs. When standing in the center
With time I have learned that there’s something to be said for embracing the depth of winters and heading towards
Although the economy tends to fluctuate, travel dreams remain strong. Europe is as magical as ever and that is never
The winding forms of the road led us to the Valley of Enigmas. The sky opened its bluish-white pomp. The
A tres horas en auto desde Duvrovnik y muy cerca de la Frontera con Croacia, en Bosnia – Herzegovina y
When one has the opportunity to travel through the old continent, one of the must-see destinations in Belgium. It is
Emprendí mi viaje hacia el llamado “ombligo del mundo” desde Lima. Luego de haber viajado poco más de una hora
I began my journey towards the so-called “navel of the world” from Lima. After a flight, which lasted over an
When I was offered a journey to Malaysia around 1998, as a participant in an international training event financed by
Cuando me ofrecieron un viaje a Malasia, por allá en el año 1998, en calidad de asistente a un evento
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