ASIS (English)
In the winter season, more specifically in the month of December, people feel more inspired to make donations and help
In the winter season, more specifically in the month of December, people feel more inspired to make donations and help
Angela Hire, an illustrator who says she is practical and has always liked to make art with her hands. At
When we think about what we wanted to be when we were kids, more than one of us dreamed of
I begin this text recognizing, from a current perspective, its complexity, it is costing me months of work to write
The Tonal Focus is a circle on the earth, in which a curious phenomenon occurs. When standing in the center
One of the global effects that the pandemic has had is that we can recognize the many other challenges that
Una vez más tengo el placer de presentarles a una mujer exitosa en el ámbito del arte. Una artista con
El año 2020 ha sido muy diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados. Este año ha sido marcado de manera global
Todas los latinoamericanos, lo queramos aceptar o no, tenemos raíces provenientes de diferentes culturas. Somos una mezcla de culturas, sabidurías,
Cuando hablamos de artistas, tendemos a encasillar a todas estas personas en un molde de consumo de sustancias y vagancia
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