Most of the parents I know always have baby and toddler clothing in mind, especially from the time they start to slide up and down.

Adorable clothes are bought for them and then the little one is placed on the floor so that thye can experiment.
The older ones are taken to the playground and the clothes are ruined, because the water spilled, because the slide was wet, for a puddle in which he jumped, but the important thing the little one had fun.
The truth is that children’s clothing is not made for the treatment that little ones on the move give them. Mar Sabater came up with the great idea of creating a bib, overalls, gardener, jumper or how everyone knows it, which folds so small that you keep it in the bag, so you put it on top and the clothes are cool protected by a water repellent bib.
The Entrepreneur
Mar Sabater is an interior designer who comes from a two-generation family of tailors and designers. This makes it clear to us the reason for the neatness and elegance in their children’s clothing line. It also makes the subtlety of its logo and the wise choice of materials clear to us.

She studied at the Escuela Superior de Diseño, in Murcia in the 2003-2007 generation with a degree adaptation from 2014-2016.
Legally creating the Biobib Overalls children’s clothing line on November 5th, 2019 and opening the online store on January 5th, 2020.
The idea of creating Biobib arose from the need that Mar observed when going out with her little girl to the games and noticing that the clothes were ruined because of the fun, so to speak.

Being aware of the environment, children’s clothes are discarded very quickly and ruined. So it can not be donated or passed on to someone else. But, if the clothes are taken care of, this is not a problem.
Our ecological conscience will make this reason a good one or crazy one.
The fact is that, for many people it is easier to buy cheap clothes and throw them away than to buy quality clothes and take care of them.
We cannot say that any of the options is wrong, but we can try to understand that quality garments in the children’s world are expensive so if it is damaged, we do not want to replace it.
In turn, cheap clothing brings with it low-paid work and the wear and tear of the plantations (in the case of cotton), the many chemicals and plastic waste that pollute the water, worsening the situation of our environment.
However, that the little ones can have fun and we can take care of our world is the best option.
Materials and design
Since Mar developed this idea, she decided to use an organic fabric that had no plastic at all and for this she made sure that it had the GOTS certificate for Global Organic Textile Standard.
For her part, Mar offers us protective clothing and could even say that she offers us play appropriate ready to wear clothing.

The bib buttons are made of wood, the fabric is water repellent and resistant as it is a fabric commonly used for uniforms, called twill fabric. It is with this material that he manufactures all the products in the collection.
Biobib’s design is based on elegance and minimalism, being unisex, with a colorful touch on the front bag.
All the products follow the same design line with a base in navy blue and a vivid touch in colors such as green, red, pink, yellow.
This design option arose from the practicality of the materials and the improvement to the competition that are the raincoats. Well, these are anything but ecological and mostly they stay in the cold of plastic.
Use during crisis
When you have small children, not going out is sometimes impossible, if you follow the strictest recommendations when going out, which are to disinfect your shoes and not put them in the house, go directly to the bathroom, wash your hands, take off your clothes, shower and Dressing in other clothes (regardless of whether we create those clothes, we only wear them for a few hours), we would cause children and their caregivers terrible stress and discomfort.
There are children who can wear all of this but others who cannot.

Well, in my particular case, having a girl who does not allow easy changes of clothes, the beautiful Biobib bib was my solution.

The few times we go out we put it over our clothes and thus when we return home we can remove our shoes and the jumper, to disinfect hands so that he can enter to continue playing.
Later when we do the procedure, we continue to wash his hands more calmly. My daughter is not yet two years old and she still tends to fall so it has also served us as protection for her knees.
Finally, I would like us to reflect on supporting local businesses and above all sustainable or environmentally friendly, and that we value and appreciate handmade products.
If hand made products seem expensive, remember that these products are manufactured one by one, there is no an assembly in between and it is these small businesses that remind us that comfort is not at odds with nature, what is immediate and unnecessary consumption.