Why not tell the story of paternity from a masculine point of view? After all, dad also gets scared. Becoming parents is a moment that mixes endless emotions – say- even more when the challenge is faced for the first time. Since the moment you receive the news of being pregnant the race starts, for those first timers it is a gigantic labyrinth.
Fortunately for this digital generation there are uncountable blogs, accounts in social media and web pages filled with advice and orientation for future mothers to face their new role. But, what does the father think and do during this whole process?

The Venezuelans Gabriela Francisco (copywriter and Diego Limonchy (graphic designer) asked themselves the same question a few minutes after they received he news that the family was going to get bigger and they started a hobby which has become viral on the internet and in just a short time it has become the reference point for the first time fathers who speak Spanish.
It is about Dad 2.0, it is a project that started at the beginning of 2014, and after reaching the success on social media, it has formed into a book that is available in Spain and other countries through On-line purchase.
He is also a main character

The illustrations show the day to day of the first time fathers from the moment they receive the news that they are waiting for a baby and it covers the steps of the paternity as the protagonist which are experience they have lived.
The idea of telling the story from the masculine point of view arose by chance. “The idea was born when we were four months pregnant. We wanted to use our free time in something productive and one afternoon Diego decides to create an account dedicated to the Fathers, as he was tired of seeing so many accounts in Instagram, Facebook and Blogs dedicated to Maternity” says Gabriela, summing that in his search there was no other alternative in which the fathers could identify themselves with.
Meanwhile Diego assures that the purpose of Dad 2.0 is to give the father figure a presence. “what we want to do is present the father figure as a protagonist that also says, comments that his intentions in his comics are not only a fun alternative in which the Men can feel reflected, but also offer teaching and advice in which the fathers can lean on.
The anecdotes of Dad 2.0 have had an excellent reception from part of the audience since at the beginning from the moment that they were posted. One week after the first publication of the first illustration we reached 2,000 followers on Instagram.

Today there are 89,000 people that follow the story through social media and on Facebook the figure is over 250,000. The reach that the project had in such short time took by surprise the Venezuelan couple.
“When the account (on social media) started obtaining followers at first our reaction was a mixture of joy and fear, but that confirmed us that there was really a lack of material where the dad could identify himself with” tells Gabriela who gives (the voice or letters) to the characters created by Diego and assures that currently they are very satisfied that their followers approved their comics in the subject of paternity.
From digital to print
For Gabriela and Diego to take their story to a printed edition it was a dream or a long term goal; nevertheless, it happened much earlier than they expected and it was at the beginning of 2015, they were contacted by editors associated with one of the companies of Grupo Planeta, one of the most important editorials in Spain that they proposed in converting their project into an illustrated book.
That’s how the book “Oh my dad! Emerged, it was presented at the end of February of this year and has awakened the interest of the public in Spain, but also in Latin America and in other parts of the world and now it’s on its second edition.

The creators of this guide for fathers don’t stop and they want to share their story with parents from all over the world. That’s why they foresee an English version of their comics to sum followers and conquer the new audience.
What direction would the story of Martina, Gabriela and Diego take? At least these first time couple have it clear and they want to continue evolving as their paternity grows. “We aren’t going to stop doing comic, nor do we want to stop telling the story. Martina grows and Dad 2.0 has to grow with her” says Gabriela that considers that parenthood has uncountable phases and hopes that they can continue sharing them through illustrations.