With 2019 taking over, agendas all over the world read “new year resolutions”. People seem to have their eyes set
Writing, researching, analysing, asking the hard questions, in definitive: taking a deeper look at the issues that surround us. We need to bring attention to what matters.
With 2019 taking over, agendas all over the world read “new year resolutions”. People seem to have their eyes set
Con el 2019 haciendo presencia, en las agendas de todo el mundo se lee “propósitos de año nuevo”. Las personas
I wish I could say that this year will end with better news, but I’m afraid that’s not the reality
I would say that this year, it will end with better news, but I am afraid that this is not
Siempre he tenido miedo al final. Nunca sabiendo muy bien que debería esperar. Y, si voy a escribir sobre la
People don’t say a word, silence is echoing in the air and the police prefer to ignore the problem. Thus,
La gente calla, el silencio retumba en el aire y la Policía prefiere ignorar el fenómeno. Así, actuando como si
We are fully aware that 2017 is over and 2018 is rapidly coming to an end but we would like
Somos totalmente conscientes de que el 2017 ya terminó y que el 2018 esta próximo a concluir pero quisiéramos dejar
Everyone thinks and repeats that Eleanor Roosevelt has the credit of defending women’s rights in the United Nations, but in
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