Author: Sophia Salazar

Es artista plástica de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Su interés en las artes es debido al estudio del color y la forma. En sus proyectos habla sobre el autorretrato y la auto-reflexión desde la melancolía. Dicta talleres de dibujo, óleo, acrílico y acuarela de manera virtual o presencial. Le gusta bríndar opiniones y hablar de historia de arte, como observar y apreciar el arte contemporáneo, compartir textos, vídeos o podcasts para que las personas profundicen en dichos temas. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. She is a plastic artist from Cali, Colombia. Her interest in the arts is due to the study of color and shapes. In her projects she talks about self-portrait and self-reflection from a melancholic stand point. She teaches drawing, oil, acrylic and watercolor workshops both virtually or face-to-face. She likes to give opinions and talk about art history, how to observe and appreciate contemporary art, share texts, videos or podcasts so that people may knwo more about this topics.

Blue drop

On this rainy night, at this precise moment I begin to lose focus and feel deep anxiety about life, How

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