I ask my self.. does it matter if the fields go dry? does it matter if the rivers run dry? the thirsty will say yes! I ask my self.. does it matter if the starving masses eat? If bellies are empty they will say yes.

Hunger and thirst, to suffer because of them, is a last longing problem. It isn’t new, its not a fashion, it is not vanishing….
In all honesty, it seems to me that many people eat, or, better yet, devour their food too fast.
They do so, as if this was their only meal. In many cases, for many people, it is their only meal.
I give genuine appreciation for what I’m about to eat. Nothing goes unnoticed.
Food is so delicious. All of it! Just, savour each bite, chew carefully. To detect each and every flavor: the salt, the sweet, the spicy. No haste. No haste… but to the hungry this is not an option.
Every single person has something that they prefer, something that they dislike. But, it seems to me that knowing that there is food and not being able to have some is wrong. It is evil!

I consider that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After all, it is the first meal we take in. Our second big meal, lunch, that is, is to recharge batteries and meant to keep us steady and in tune.
Our internal schedule is precise, our internal clock tick and tocks in perfect sync. It never abandons us, it keeps us centered and ready!
Yet, a sad truth is what we live today. It is not new, far from it, this truth has been with us through out time.
When children are born and there is no food for them, their hearts are torn.
In a world that sometimes offers no shelter, heat, no food or drink.
All this children can do is wait for a different fate. And so they do, they wait. But, it is not too late, we can always change. We can get things straight.
Are you hungry? Who is not hungry? Hungry men, enjoy food and thirsty men relish water.
They are out there starving for food. They are malnourished and weak while others have it all. They are becoming irritable and insatiably hungry. Consumed by hunger, they are becoming hungry.

Lethal infections, circulation disorders and dehydration… too much torture. I don’t know why there are still hungry people everywhere… it seems to me that we are losing the human touch.
Each day their body wastes away while fighting the each day watching their body waste away. Fighting the threats of hunger, slowly as their bodies decay.
They struggle for survival with each passing day. Maybe I am wrong, but I believe that we could feed many with the food we throw away.
Many of us, I include my self, sometimes just say that something is wrong and in reality don’t make a conscious effort to change this cruel reality.
We must ask ourselves: how can we help? what are we missing? How much could we do? It is really simple: if we can help others, we should. It is our duty as people.

We must try, maybe it is a dream but we need to help. No one deserves to die of hunger.
The innocence of a small child should not fade away. Those butterfly, unicorn and pink mermaid dreams should stay with us for as long as we can gave them. Those dreams are what should give us strength to help in the present and make a better tomorrow.
Dying of hunger and thirst shouldn’t be anyones destiny. Certainly, not in this time when we have accomplished so much: robots, communications, RV, AI and so much more. e live in an era filled with possibilities.
We must help each other, build a better tomorrow. We must embrace the principles of humanity. I trutlly think that empathy is the new cool.