Suffering from emotional cowardness

A fearful person is sometimes, more often than not, exasperating. They are people who do not dare to do anything different, nothing that goes out of the norm. They are people who doubt everything, who spend their lives without trying new things, with out making changes.

Nessa Twix © Solkes

Fear is an emotion shared by all. But, cowardice is an attitude. The truth is that anyone can act with fear.

Coward is an adjective. It applies to one who lacks the courage to perform a risk action or to confront a situation.

There are several ways to show cowardice. But, undoubtedly, the most evident form is reflected in the behaviors.

Beyond what we can feel or think there are moments when the situation asks us to act upon something.

Not doing anything, not taking action is the best known and most visible form of cowardice. They are people who adopt a passive position in most areas of their lives.

Cowardice is also evident in the lack of intervention in an external situation, in the face of something negative that is happening to a third party.

There are also people who suffer from “emotional cowardice”. This means that if you do not feel you do not suffer. These people often flee from emotions is the solution for many people. Most likely, for them emotions are visats as complications.

Nessa Twix © Solkes

But running away from emotions is something that has a background. They have a past like: lack of expression and empathy, bad experiences of adults and even fear of losing control of impulses.

Why does someone like that behave? Well, although it is not easy (whoever says otherwise lies) we consider that a fundamental modulator of our courage has to do with the number and quality of the tools we have.

We all have someone close to whom we can label cowardly.

Pusillanimity is one of the essential characteristics of the human being. It is very shared, labeled in others, but very little recognized.

Cowardice goes hand in hand with fear and conformism. They are inseparable. If there is no fear behind it, it is not cowardice.

The cowards hide behind the rules

– Jean Paul Sartre –

You can be a coward in several dimensions of this attitude. At the emotional level, at the behavioural or thought level.

Nessa Twix © Solkes

We must state that avoiding a cowardice attitude throughout life is extremely difficult. The most difficult situations often make even the bravest doubt.

Having relationships with cowardly people is very difficult. They are people who deplete others emotionally they destroy.

They wear you out, they drain everything. You can end up desolate. They are, to put it in some way, poisonous people without an antidote.

Cowardice has millions of interpretations, reasons and consequences, and billions of justifications. Not doing something, anything at all, is like having no hope or will to live. Cowards are often condemned on a social level throughout the world.  Instead, the brave are congratulated and praised.

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