The first decade of the 2000’s has already concluded and we are approaching the second decade. Because of this, we wanted to look a little more at some cities that are prone to art. In which it is unthinkable not to feel part of the change.

Spaces for art
As we have said, there are cities that offer spaces for exhibitions and there are cities that have art in their streets, traffic lights, trains, in every corner. In other words, they are cities in which the asphalt is a canvas to decorate.

To begin with, the avant-garde is not in the museums but in the streets. We should only ask ourselves how many times have we seen how the “official” culture has assimilated movements or tendencies and then locked them up in a museum or traditional galleries. Unfortunately, they stay there, and they become a memory of something that was.
With this I don’t want to say that museums or galleries are not important. What we want to say is that there are more spaces for artists to present their creations and it doesn’t have to be traditional.
Precisely, that is why a wave of new alternative spaces is necessary, where to share and feel the living art in a collaborative way.
Cities of art
Some of our favorite cities are full of artists struggling to make a space for themselves.
There are examples in all places. Here we name some of them.

Bilbao is a charming city. And, in our opinion, art makes this city even more magnificent. The Gugenheim Museum is a delight for the senses.
Zorrozaurre Art Work Progress is an initiative to occupy abandoned ships at the old industrial zone of Bilbao.
Madrid, the Spanish capital, is not far behind. In it there are several places destined for the purpose of creation.

The Centro Cultural Conde Duque is a perfect example. It was born as a cultural center, after being the Royal Barracks since 1717, and it has been totally transformed since 2005. It has become an essential center of Madrileña’s cultural activity.
Another clear example is Matadero Madrid. It is known as a center of contemporary creation that is linked to the city.
In this singular space, participants from the private and public sectors come together. It always has the aim of promoting the production, training and dissemination of contemporary creation in all its manifestations.
Casa América seeks to strengthen ties between Spain and Latin America. This is achieved through seminars, exhibitions, concerts, colloquia, presentations, workshops, etc.
Berlin is one of the most interesting cities for artists and their creations. It is a city that allows everything. EIt is a poor but sexy city (that is the saying) and the truth is that there is nothing more enticing that art in every corner and in every neighborhood. The truth is that everything in the German capital is art.

There are galleries of all kinds, from the most traditional to the pop-up or anti-system style. It is estimated that there are at least 440 galleries throughout the city.
The cafes are one of the favorite places to show new creations and exhibitions.
Berlin is unique
For artists Berlin is unique. They love the flourishing, vibrant and cosmopolitan artistic environment.
Today, many of the bars have become meeting points for artists, poets, dancers. Every week they open new galleries, studios and small creative businesses.
It has an experimental creative synergy and its free style make Berlin one of the most interesting places in the world artistic scene.
In Colombia there are also spaces for art. Arkhé, is a center of artistic documentation that was installed in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.

The idea is to preserve books and documents about art to be consulted by researchers and students.
The walls of the traditional neighborhood of La Candelaria are a beautiful mural.
Wherever you walk it is possible to see artists hanging, removing and organizing their works.
A neighborhood in which art, music and culture come together and make the world fall in love with them.
The walls of this beautiful Latin American country show the warmth of its people. They leave embodied the strength of their hearts.
New York has always been one of the recognized places for setting trends in all fields. Obviously, art is one of them.
One of the most special galleries, in our point of view is Carter Burden Gallery. A gallery that only allows artists of 60 years or more to exhibit their creations.
It is necessary that there is a proximity to the artists the public.
A place to shine

The artistic works are often in border areas and are risky from the creative point of view.
In addition to this, the cities that give these options allow the artists to organize themselves and that there is support by an independent collective.
These cities manage to create a space in which the proposals of the artists could be appreciated with the utmost attention.
These cities are clear examples of how all forms of artistic expression have a place to shine. They are spaces open to the participation of all to create, reflect, learn and enjoy.
Art in cities in some way implies the interaction between people with their own city. When art is around us, the world is transformed into what we see and what we hear. It is like a dream.