Everyone thinks and repeats that Eleanor Roosevelt has the credit of defending women’s rights in the United Nations, but in reality the responsible ones for this inclusion were the Latin American women, with a Brazilian as the head. She was Bertha Lutz, this Brazilian fought until achieving her goal.
About differences between women and men
Sadly there are important differences between women and men in relation to needs, problems, access to resource in terms of health. These discrepancies are featured in biological traits and social guidelines that regulate gender relations.

Diversity is the basis of cultural dialogue. Feminist movements are not and can be homogeneous associations. Forums should be exercised dialogue between races, between cultures, between social classes and demands of very different types.
Latinas are recognized worldwide for their particular characteristics. A Latina is the amorous women often described as sweet and very nice.
Likewise, it ensures that they are stronger and more determined than in other parts of the world, as well as screaming and generally more effusive character.
The best thing part of being a Latin is the joy we have. It sounds cliche, but since I’ve been living abroad I see what our culture brings to other societies. We are happy, resourceful and fun. We are also hard workers and committed.
Slowly, as if the truth wanted to remain hidden, it has been known that women are at a disadvantage in regards to the control of resources necessary for health protection.
Motherhood is crucial

It is important to note that for many Latin American women, motherhood is crucial.
It is important to take into account that for a lot of Latin American women, maternity is still very important nevertheless they postpone in it since they are searching to scale in their professional life, achieve personal objectives in order to have stability in the economical and emotional part.
For them, motherhood is seen as the main feature, an event that helps define their identity.
Women have the most vulnerable jobs: part-time or self-employed, methods that respond to the need for flexibility, since most also charged with caring for children and the elderly.
As if that were not enough, an aggravating matter for the maternity leave. While the average maternity leave in the region is of 90 days, many licenses are less than 65 days, which forces many women to leave their jobs on order to take care of their children.
The feminisation of poverty
On the other hand, in recent decades a massive amount of women have been introduced into the labor force.
Notwithstanding, for some strange reason women continue being in the minority in high levels of decision, autonomy, prestige or income in the health sector, although the composition of this is mostly and increasingly female.
However the participation of women is diverse in the region and about a quarter of the economically active population has low levels of qualification.

Women confront the following situations (just to name a few): they have less probability to work as wage earning as men and in a high proportion they only find a job in the domestic service.
While poverty in Latin America presents a downward trend, poverty gaps between men and women have increased, creating a “feminization of poverty“. And more than half of those who migrate from the region are women.
Gender violence
Another major problem is that Latin America has about alarming numbers of women murdered in the region, while no laws against gender violence or simply not implemented.
The best part of being Latin is our strength.
Violence against women is a terrible nightmare. Somehow, it has a domino effect and it is a constant one. Every single country in the region is being affected by it.
It knows no boundries. It is crucial to implement stronger and more effective laws.
We need full awareness

The role of women has become an area of dispute in the political arena. Everone seems to have thoughts on the issues and how to solve them. However, very few people actually do something to change women’s livelyhood.
Social and gender inequality in the region is a problem that requires the intervention of public policy, measures short, medium and long term. Without the intervention of these public policies it will be impossible to eradicate inequality.
Latin America still lacks well organized and with a strategic perspective in relation to work, where the generation of quality jobs and non-discrimination in all its dimensions includes public policies. Latin American populations have profound socio-cultural differences between them, there is not one specific type of Latin Amercian woman. Therefore, the history of Latin American should be made from the full awareness of this multiple inheritance.