Romance is dead. As a 30 something, single woman today I wonder: why do I even bother checking dating apps out? Guys there only want easy hook-ups. And by easy I mean, REAL easy. They don’t want to listen to what I have to say or get to know me. If most they’ll go on talking about themselves non-stop. These guys probably don’t even care to know my name.
That’s probably why they all call me babe or baby. What’s up with that anyway? Babe??? Seriously…. How many girls do you think these guys refer to as baby? Clearly, there’s nothing being offered in the digital landscape other that an array of fortuitous dick pics to start a Dickhead album with. Great memorabilia… When did it become normal to randomly send a strange girl a picture of your dick? Ladies and gentleman, the dating apocalypse is here!
Respect. Seems like such an elusive term these days with people having the power to comment on everything and anything on social media and people having access to any and every single piece of information out there. Well, let me tell you something, Guys please, a woman needs respect and while we’re at it, let’s throw in some intellect and value.

It’s not a romantic gesture
Let’s get this straight. Swiping right is not a romantic gesture! What ever happened to mutual attraction? Where did sending a girl some flowers go? Even less, what ever happened to a – how are you doing- instead of a hey, wanna hang. Hang? Yeah I wanna hang myself from a tree rather than wasting my time on you – f*ckboy. For those who are not familiar with the term, a f*ckboy is a guy with the mind of a hormone driven teenager. He has no heart, no intellect- just a penis. And with the normalization of the f*ckboy, somehow assholes have popped out everywhere.
We need a change. Hell we need a revolution. A romance revolution. No more games, no more guessing what this emoji or that word meant, no more wondering. We should not be afraid of intimacy. We should be able to say what we feel and not be afraid to say: “I love you”. Lets commit to relationships. Stop the random hook-up culture! Love yourself – Respect yourself.
Don’t play with feelings

Dating apps have become a game, yes. But if you’re not ready for romance don’t play that game. As in, don’t play with people’s feelings.
You have no right to provoke emotion in someone if you have no intent on following through. Dude, don’t contribute with the world of assholes. There are plenty out there as it is.
Ladies, we also can help eradicate the f•ckboy phenomenon. Stop responding to late night booty calls, the show me your tits texts and dick pics. Respect yourself enough to ignore unacceptable behavior. You are not a blow-up doll so don’t let guys treat you like one. Choose to be a queen and stop entertaining peasants. Have ZERO tolerance for those who give ZERO f•cks about you. Let’s end the romance is dead trend together and start demanding the value and respect we deserve. Death to the f•ckboy!