For many people migration is their best option, for others it is only a consequence of family decisions and for some more it is the only opportunity to continue their life. In any case, it is about a person who changes residence and the best thing would be that when they arrive at their new destination they are filled with happiness.

However, in many circumstances this is not the case. Sometimes there are problems adapting to the culture of the country, the difficulty of the local language or various adversities that must be faced when being in a country that we do not know.
In a country that presents us with daily situations that, when being foreigners, could cause stress and massive discomfort.
The thing is, that if this does not improve or is confronted in due time, it can trigger serious consequences such as depression.
It must be clear that although all migrants are foreigners in their new home, not all have the tools to face what this change in life implies.
Since we are talking about people, each one reacts differently to each circumstance that we have, we all have a past that is nothing like that of another.
For example, there are migrants who arrive in a country without knowing anything about it. Others who had it long ago in their plans and find it easier to adapt. And others who know generalities but discover that there are many small details that enrich or hinder a proper integration.

About Gabriela
So far I have spoken to you basic concepts that lead us to the subject that I really want to cover.
It is about the project of a woman who is “Graduated in psychopedagogy, mentor, conscious learner, dreamer and entrepreneur by choice”.

It is about Gabriela Varela Lopez. Her project captivated me.
This valuable woman is dedicated to supporting migrant women who for one reason or another do not feel happy in their new home, which in this case, is Germany.
Gabriela is Argentinian and has been living in Germany for more than one year. In 2013 she decided to develop her profession within the German system in the psycho-socio-pedagogical area.
In 2019, it is considered by the German Ministry of Migration and Integration a benchmark in female empowerment for immigrant women.
Without a doubt, Gabriela is an empowered woman who deserves to be recognized and supported so that her work becomes even more visible.
In many migration cases, women are the most affected. Many live with frustration and do not see the way or want to be themselves, since their self-esteem drops drastically and they do not immediately recognize that they need help.
I really enjoy my work as a mentor. Being able to guide, motivate and empower the talents and the resilience and adaptation capacity that the women who come to me bring is a real pleasure. But, in turn, like any new role, it is a great challenge. It makes me look back again and again at myself, to work myself, to question myself, to evolve.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, where the world is closing in on you and you can’t find solutions, seek help from a professional or from an institution or support group. Gabriela also offers online help, for example.
Be happy in Germany
When I became interested in Gabriela’s project, it was when an acquaintance started to follow a page called BE HAPPY IN GERMANY on Facebook. In it, the founder of the project always posts super positive things and gives little tips. At that time I did not know everything there is behind it. It is a very structured project.
I contacted Gabriela who always treated me very kindly and we conducted a small interview to calm my curiosity, after having entered her website which is also called BEING HAPPY IN GERMANY.
A project as noble as this must be seen. Although Gabriela’s website has an excellent approach to it, do not forget that it arises and is inspired by the founder’s needs, needs that are reflected on the many migrant women in Germany and the world.
Arandy Kir: What inspired you to create be happy in germany, for women?
Gabriela Varela Lopez: The idea arises from a very deep desire to help all those women who are going through the challenges that I myself had to go through some time ago.
Somehow I decided to become that person that I have needed and did not have.
It is a permanent round trip. Trust in me, in my message, in my experience, in what I have to offer, and at the same time, place trust in women, in their capacities, in the immense transforming power that nests within each Being.
For several years I worked within the German system in the pisco-socio-pedagogical area, mainly accompanying women from different cultures in their upbringing, adaptation and integration processes.
Through this work, my personal experience and my permanent contact with people who have emigrated. I have realized that there is an alarming number of women whose self-esteem is affected when arriving in Germany. There is also an extremely high amount of suffering that the process of adaptation entails.
Thus, I have been driven to put my experience and my gifts at service, committing myself in a deep and heartfelt way to the emotional well-being of women living in Germany.

Being happy in Germany arises, not coincidentally, after a very deep personal transformation process that is unleashed from the breakdown of her marriage. This made her question herself and all her life choices. It made her walk a new path that was more aligned with her souls desires. Then she was able to reconnect with her potential and discover her passion for helping through my experience.
I bet on working in the tribe, in the community, I facilitate the connection between women who are going through similar processes, with whom to share and sustain each other.
Many people prefer personal and face-to-face treatment, but on many occasions it is not possible due to the locality and accessibility. Luckily, BEING HAPPY IN GERMANY has two versions and thus it can reach many more women. Without a doubt this is fantastic, but it is just as effective, there is some difference, perhaps Gabriela’s words will reassure them.
Arandy Kir: Do you work both online and in person; Do you feel that there is a big gap between the two counselling methods?
Gabriela Varela Lopez: I love both types of work equally, online and in person. The message is always the same: transform challenges into growth opportunities. What varies is the medium. My mentoring program is only available online. Aimed at women who want to carry out a true transformation process. It consists of 4 weeks of intense, deep and meaningful work, after which the changes are palpable and the increase in self-confidence, self-confidence and motivation to continue this new path through conscious learning more than evident. I also offer face-to-face events, such as retreats, workshops and seminars. Here the focus is on the enrichment of the exchange.
The energy that is evoked during face-to-face encounters is unique. They laugh, cry, scream and hug. And they leave full of motivation and inspiration.
When they want to fulfill dreams people will always have to come across adversity. But, perseverance and a clear vision can help you to move forward and be able to achieve a work as valuable as that of our interviewee.

Arandy Kir: What difficulties have you encountered in working as a mentor?
Gabriela Varela Lopez: I’ve had many difficulties, of all kinds. But I must say, that they do not originate so much in my work as a mentor, but rather in everything that involves conceiving a new idea, an innovative project and carrying it out. Entrepreneurship is in itself a challenge. And an incessant learning for me. Hence the difficulties. How to reach who I want to reach. How to communicate what I want to communicate.
Having your own project, a business, an unconventional work that you are passionate about constantly challenges you. It brings out your shadows, confronts you with the unknown and invites you to grow in an unthinkable way.
And yes, at times it can be a bit uncomfortable, as everything new is usually, but, at the same time, behind each challenge there is a very beautiful learning opportunity. Varela López prefers the beautiful learning opportunity that she has been incorporating since daring to be true to herself and live her dreams.
When a project of this type is worked on individually, it cannot immediately become a free association. However, we can see and experience the evolution of this work that will surely transcend even more.
Arandy Kir: Do you think your project to be happy in Germany can expand even more or even become an association?
Gabriela Varela Lopez: It can be. It’s a possibility. I am open. Especially at this time, so marked by change, I find myself very open and flexible. I trust my intuition to find the best way for me and to be happy in Germany at every step. And I wish for a gradual growth and that you feel good.

What is a fact, is that her message transcends women who have emigrated to Germany. Women from many countries have attended her events, and in her online mentoring program they have already crossed borders too.
Although the original message points directly to the women residing in Germany, the resonance that it generates beyond, and that is a positive sign.
The conclusion
Everyone is more than welcome to visit the BEING HAPPY IN GERMANY website and get in touch with Gabriela.

Before discovering BEING HAPPY IN GERMANY I already knew that migrating is not easy that one encounters many challenges and that some face them better than others.
It is reassuring to know that there are these types of projects that are focused on us migrant women. With this, all the effort that many of us have to make to be able to live happily where we want is recognized and made visible.
In our case we are happily in Germany like Gabriela but I know that it is not easy and we have to work hard to achieve emotional stability for ourselves.
Dear readers, value your emotions, your adaptation process when migrating, changing your lifestyle, becoming mothers, many of you can do it alone, you are doing great, but not out of fear or shame if you are not doing or you do not feel as good as they think it should be, go to professionals like Gabriela. It costs money, yes, but it is worth it.