When it comes to parenting, nothing is written, being a parent does not come with an instruction manual. And obviously a mother’s job is not explained.
One of the many aspects of being a mother includes, of course, breastfeeding. This is a very sensitive issue for several people.
Bearing this in mind, the fact that there are organizations such as La Leche League International is a marvel.
La Leche League
Going into subject, La Leche League International is a non-profit organization. Their objective is to provide information and support to those mothers who want to breastfeed their children.
They want to promote and support breastfeeding with a parenting style that values motherhood.
The result of this practice translates into great benefits for the physical and emotional health of the family.
This organization is present in more than 85 countries and was founded in 1956. Some of the countries where it is represented are: United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Germany, Panama, Poland, Colombia, Romania, France, Lithuania and Italy among others.

One of the most surprising factors of this organization is that it has specialists in pediatrics, obstetrics, nutrition, psychology, administration and law.
The process of breastfeeding is full of challenges. And sometimes a negative impact on the health, nutrition and physical and emotional well-being of families is generated.
In addition to this, breastfeeding in public is also often a challenge for mothers, because of social prejudices and the sexualized referent in the woman’s breast, especially when it comes to breastfeeding children older than 1 year old (it is already uncommon to breastfeed beyond 6 months).
Breast milk means life, love and the beginning of a baby’s happiness.
This is why it is important to create spaces and friendly environments. By this we mean, support groups and breastfeeding rooms in the social and working environment, where mothers find an appropriate environment.
Where mothers can find the support they require, and the appropriate means to facilitate and continue breastfeeding even when they have to be separated from their children for reasons of study or work.
La Liga de la Leche in Colombia
On this occasion we had the opportunity to contact La Liga de la Leche in Colombia. The first thing to keep in mind is that it has been operating in the country since 1976 and is currently present in Bogotá, Medellín and Cali.

Support in these cities is offered through support groups, mother-to-mother assistance, training for health professionals and institutions. They help with their participation in the development of projects to promote this natural practice.
They told us that the Colombian government has been concerned in recent years to protect and promote breastfeeding.
Through measures such as maternity leave that covers 18 weeks after childbirth, the María Law or Paternity Law.
We would like to clarify that the Paternity Law in Colombia only gives fathers a few days after the baby is born to fulfil his role full time.
One of the most delicate factors is the one referring to infant feeding in emergencies.

I would like to make it clear that an emergency is an extreme and extraordinary situation that suddenly puts the health and survival of the population at risk.
With this in mind, infant feeding in emergencies focuses on the protection and support of safe and appropriate feeding for infants and small children in an emergency. However, breast milk nourishes and protects babies, because it is safe and contains antibodies that no other milk has.
A natural activity
Breastfeeding is the most natural and effective way to understand and meet the baby’s needs, as it allows for a unique mother-child unique connection.

It is an experience that goes beyond words. There are many myths, doubts and questions about breastfeeding, but above all obstacles that can result from the lack of information and support.
Therefore, mothers should have the right to inform themselves and share their doubts to decide how to live breastfeeding.
For example, 1 in 5 of neonatal deaths can be prevented with the start of breastfeeding in the first hour of life. Mothers who breastfeed have much lower stress hormones than those who do not breastfeed.
In the case of support groups, the work is carried out in a very calm and natural way. In it, a leader of La Leche League contributes information, favoring a climate of support and respect that allows the expression of families.
In addition to this, they share their concerns, situations, experiences and stories, ideas and feelings.
Stronger Together

Sharing these experiences with other women means that people do not feel alone, that they understand that this is a difficult process in which there is never an adequate response.
Thanks to this, doubts and myths about breastfeeding can be solved and find solutions that adapt to what each family lives.
In a support meeting, breastfeeding information is shared. People can also exchange experiences, how the experiences of the birth affect lactation, nutrition and upbringing.
In short, everything that has to do with the baby and the mother in the prepartum, delivery and postpartum period is addressed.
Women who want to breastfeed need the support of their families, but also of the health personnel who care for them during pregnancy and delivery, and of the community that surrounds them.