We always talk about the environmental crisis, its severity, its effects, and criticisms. We have even considered the need to analyze the degree of commitment to the environment and / or responsibility with the ecological footprint that we generate on a daily basis.
The environmental battle
In order to fight, solve and win the battle against the environmental problems it is fundamental to raise awareness in societies about the environmental reality.
A reality that is degrading our home, health and the quality of life of all humanity.
Currently, the concept of sustainability in companies and in our workplaces is increasingly important, popular and achievable.
The truth is that there can be no environmental awareness if there is a lack of knowledge of the environment. For this reason, education is essential.
The idea is to generate knowledge, sensitivity and feelings towards all ecological issues. This is exactly what the Sentido Verde does.

Green Sense (Sentido Verde)
Sentido Verde (Green Sense) was born 9 years ago. Three entrepreneurial women who had worked together in the Vice Presidency of the Colombia, decided to join forces. Each one in different disciplines: a communications expert, an ecology expert and a government and international relations.
Little by little they realized that although the world had started talking about sustainable development, neither the companies nor the people knew about this.

They design, execute and measure results of environmental awareness and education strategies that contribute to the country’s sustainability (Colombia).
But on paper almost everything looks pretty good.
For this reason, we set ourselves the task of talking with Daniela Zuluaga, general manager of Sentido Verde, in order to see the background they have.
Laura Viera A: Why was Sentido Verde born?
Sentido Verde: Well, no one taught us what sustainable development was and what was happening with the planet, the people who live in it and what are those habits and behaviors that we must change to live in this world. That is why Sentido Verde was born.
The seventh sense
They claim that for them it is like the seventh sense, there are the 5 senses, the sixth is intuition and the seventh should be the green sense. This sense connects the heart with the mind and our environment and leads us to act in harmony with the environment.

Laura Viera A: Why is it important to generate a new culture, change minds and habits from emotion and not just from reason?

Sentido Verde: Normally when strategies or cultural campaign changes are made, people are told what they should do. We provide an education that impacts the heart because what we need to change and generate are new beliefs. People act according to what they believe and if they believe that water is never going to end (which is what we are taught at school, because water is a cycle), you will never have the habit of closing the faucet or using water properly. And how are new beliefs generated? Through experiences that impact the heart and emotion. People learn from the emotion and then we introduce rationality.
They work directly with companies, and through them with families and collaborators. Then experiences that transcend the organization are created.
They measure the Carbon Footprint of organizations. The most important thing, rather than measuring it, is being able to communicate it and educating people about the actions they must take to reduce it. Many companies measure and manage it but only a few know it. When in fact, all the people who are part of the organization have an important role in reducing it.
Working towards a future
They have many objectives. In the long term, they want to be recognized as a leader in sustainability issues, always generating awareness and education. In the immediate term, they would like to be able to start working on strategies and campaigns at the national or city level that are not only with companies. In the short term, they want to start working with schools and especially with educators, who begin to involve sustainability in all subjects.
It is important to work with schools because children learn from the example. And they may bring another chip but if what they think is not consistent with what they see at school and at home we may have lost that train of thought.
For this reason, environmental awareness is essential to solve environmental problems. The understanding that people have of their impact on the environment and their natural resources is key. This means, understanding how the daily actions of humanity are putting at the future of the planet and üresent henerations at risk.
Likewise, for an ecological conscious development it is necessary to have knowledge and an understanding about the socio-environmental reality.
So far, they have managed to work for more than 4 years with large companies in order to transmit their passion.

Dedication and conviction
The subject of sustainability is a work of dedication and conviction in which changes are possible and positive for all. However, they are aware that more companies need convincing about sustainability as a way of doing business. And, that if they do not do it they will be eliminated because you can not conceive a company that does not do it.
Laura Viera A: How are we in Colombia facing the issue of sustainability?
Sentido Verde: In these 9 years that we have been working, we have seen how it becomes more relevant, more companies are aware that it is the way of doing business. However, what they invest is very little or they see it as an expense and not as an investment. It is important to emphasize that more commitment from the Government is needed. Progress has been made, but there is a lack of commitment. Likewise, the country’s leading companies should communicate their good practices and begin to introduce friendlier products with environment and social justice.

If they use sustainable packaging and advertising campaigns that lead people to buy their products but also can educate them, this would be great!
Laura Viera A: You have the opportunity to tell the readers something. What would you say?
Sentido Verde: That environmental awareness is something that concerns us all. As we say, we have to awaken your green sense, we all have it, we have to awaken it or develop it and that is why we exist. There are people who want to do something but do not know where to start or what to do.
Living responsibly

The rational use of the resources and services offered by the environment, is to understand that, if it is wasted and does not save water or electricity, some day when you want to use it again you will not be able to.
You won’t be able to because you do not consciously think about conserving it.
Undoubtedly, if an environmental awareness is achieved in society, it can repair the damage caused and preserve an environment in which people understand the impact of their own activities in relation to their environment, health and quality of life.
In summary, it is everyones duty to live responsibly and use resources appropriately. The success and future of the environment will depend on knowledge, understanding and the role of environmental education in the conscience of each being. For this reason, foundations such as Sentido Verde, where an attempt is being made to generate a permanent education on ecological sustainability, is essential to be able to win the battle that is degrading our planet.