WWB Bank: Colombia’s development motor
In 1980 the WWB Foundation in Colombia started a project with the objective to incorporate the women who were head
This section is dedicated to social work. Working for others, helping in any posible way, is what being human is about. We need people who are committed to making a difference.
In 1980 the WWB Foundation in Colombia started a project with the objective to incorporate the women who were head
Dedicarse a ayudar a otras personas es uno de los trabajos más complicados que pueden existir. Creería yo que es
Devoting yourself to helping others is one of the most complicated jobs there are. I would think it is a
El conflicto armado interno en Colombia se lleva a cabo desde la década de los sesenta y continúa azotando a
El Chocó es el único departamento de Colombia con costas en los océanos Pacifico y Atlántico. Además de eso, es
The Chocó is the only Colombian department with coasts in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Besides that, it is bordering
Mi Boquilla Florece es una iniciativa eco artística. Nace con el interés de trabajar por el mejoramiento del medio ambiente,
Mi Boquilla Florece (My blossoming mouthpiece) is an environmental and artistic initiative. It was created due to the interest of
Mientras que en Colombia algunos niños se despiertan cada día con la firme intención de prepararse para ir a la
While in Colombia some kids in wake up every day with the firm intention of going to school and striving
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