I’ve dreamed

Hi! I was waiting for your arrival, I have something to tell you…
Close the doors and the windows, quickly, close the drapes…

Nessa Twix © Solkes

I will tell you what is happening,
Something that even though I made the attempt, I could not avoid,
I will tell you something that is perplexing me
Although I have tried, I have failed to forget.

Remember the deal we had made
of loving each other without being obliged to love?
Remember what we have compromised,
Now I think it’s too late, I couldn’t achieve it…

Come closer and close your eyes,
Come and for a moment forget reality,
Come and only listen to my dreams,
Dreams that with anxiety I wished were true…

Go, relax, I want to tell you all about them,
Because I am sure they have also wondered through your mind,
Everything is good, do not worry, there is no problem,
For a moment let’s just forget about the people…

I have dreamed that we are more than lovers, we are all,
That we are walking with joy down the street,
I have dreamed that neither him or she exist,
And that we love each other with detail…

Nessa Twix © Solkes

I have dreamed that you, with your insatiable thirst
Have stolen my everyday perfume,
And I am left behind with my hunger,
I look at you, touch you, and kiss you without fear of what they would say…

You are always in my present dreams,
Loving me, and honestly singing to me,
Being together forever,
in another dimension of love,
destiny is elsewhere…

I have dreamed you awaken by my side and say “good morning”,
That we go shopping together and go visit an aunt,
I have dreamed that we sing together those verses from Silvio
And that we are led by a new hallucinating delirium…

I have dreamed so many things, and how I wish for them to occur,
But I know that they are only dreams, I know that nothing is possible,
That you have her and that he is with me…
I have dreamed a thousand times of a wonderful life together, but I know we are just friends….

Friends, yes friends who love each other in silence
In a dark and distant room,
Friends who daydream,
They share the same hunger, desire, and the same bed….

Friends who play with fire without the fear of burning,
Because there is nothing richer, than touching, kissing, smelling ,and loving…

Friends who made a deal and decided to play,
Without knowing what awaited,
They melt and merge into voracious passion, for instance
And then leave everything as it was, because there is no other option…


Open your eyes, tranquil,
That time has come to awaken,
Above all just get up and get dressed again, we have to leave,
He awaits for me as always, and she must also be waiting…

Give me one of those kisses and think in prudential time,
So we can go back to loving each other,
just you and me…
And so we can once again relive, this,
Our great special day.

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