So now I know…
I was young enough to believe nothing will break us,
stepping hand-in-hand into the other side.
The night was full of black teeth.

My mind’s a map.
My mind is an Atlas;
a route to somewhere and nowhere.
A sea captain sketched it
while the flowing moon told him.
Winds like trumpets that caressed his skin,
moving his hair.
I see a country like the dark side of the moon,
a land of famished witches.
My mind is mine
is water through a spring night.
A lavender night
as sweet-smelling as words.
Wagers and thumps.
You are the soul, charmed with its wings.
Honey-slowed, gawky and remote.
So now I know…
I was young enough to believe nothing
will set us apart,
stepping hand-in-hand into the other side.
The night was full of black teeth.
Its nature is brutal,
is coldblooded…
Nothing as simple
as a thundering creeping loss.

Those undeniable rainbows,
those shocks of vividness,
the terrible fluff
makes you look around
into your own despair.
Your teeth have left me
a bruised neck.
I’ve left,
somehow I am imprisoned
and I refuse to hand over what’s left of me…
My thought follows you to where you spend your days.
So now I know…
I was young enough to believe
nothing will set us apart,
stepping hand-in-hand into the other side.
The night was full of black teeth.
This morning, sunlight clenched at everything,
but the wind simply swept through everything
taking a few things with it,
even the soul.
This much I know…
Every so often you are a study in detachment.
Diplomacy has wounded us,
stabbed us, destroyed us.

So now I know…
If you were a number, I’d subtract you;
if you were a sentence, I’d rewrite you.
They dismantle us.
Like our bodies watermark
not an indication will endure explaining
that we were in this place.
The world closes behind us.
The thumping wind blows clouds that will not rain on us both.
So now I know…
It is not the hollows of the heart that hold him enslaved,
but the hallways of my mind.