This is a unique world, a wonder world. there is so much life, so much change, evolution, revolution, it’s constantly turning, mixing, creating.
There are gorgeous lakes, mighty oceans, sandy deserts, snowy mountain tops, rain and black forest and deserts. There are birds, mice, squirrels, bunny, humpback whales, sharks, wolves, duck and owls. There a butterflies, bengal tigers, mountain gorillas, orangutans, lions, giraffes, amongst others. Amazing creatures such as: the dragon lizard, the mantis shrimp, the orange tortoise spider, the red panda, the blue parrotfish, the thar, or the sloth. Most of the time in harmony, day by day, year by year. All creatures coming together and sharing this great beautiful world.

Hologram towns, with neon against puddles on the pavement. Citizens as ghosts that are continuously floating by in circles. Oh, how I see their tired faces staring out from the glass.
From which lonely night do we finally emerge? I wonder, which of the empty lots do we fill with a conversation?
In this world of wonders the cold wind blows, and sometimes, I hear you calling my name. A constant ghost of you. A ghost that never stops following me around.
In this world of wonder the sun comes alive, renewing my hope that in the end, its not so bad after all. I may fail but I will try.
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I think that neon and rain are made for each other. colors are diffused and come alive.
When things get messy, complicated, when they seem to be too tangled, I admit, its hard to look past the corner…
I always keep in mind that there are so many things that puzzle me, like: why the grass is green, why can’t see we the wind, when the moon changes shape, what happens in its shadow? Who lights the stars, who decided the rainbow would have those seven colors and that it would be found in the blue sky? Do the toys move when I am not looking?
My eyes seem to rest on the magical landscape. I constantly ask my self: Has anyone beside me wondered where colors come from? Who and if so when, teaches creatures, to swim, walk or fly?
In this world of wonder I continue to ask myself: Do frogs have friends?, Are there more trees than buildings? I continue picking up information and putting together like a puzzle.
I have learned that questions make you think. Questions open doors. Good questions need more than a yes or no answer.
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
In this world of wonder I also I know how it feels like to feel lost in life. To be honest, I think everybody feels that sooner or later. Maybe the problem is that you don’t know yourself. It takes time and conscious effort to know who you are, your values, and what you want.
If you feel lost, maybe you’re too distracted to see what’s right inside of you and you’re too distracted by the outside world.
I have lived and died. I have been true to the revolution. Sometimes, I have tried and failed. Sometimes I have succeeded in the wonderful world.

It’s like being in a pool of balls. All the colors absorb everything around us. The colors surround us and leave us with a little taste and texture in our lives that can be insipid at times.
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
Have you ever been home alone and felt that someone was watching you? Afraid to turn around, lest you catch a ghostly visage out of the corner of your eye?
The fear of ghosts in many human cultures is based on beliefs that some ghosts may be malevolent towards people and dangerous. It is related to fear of the dark.
The ghosts swarm. They speak as one person. Each is different unique, alone and together. Each one of them has left something undone…
Some buildings are hollow, occupied only in facade on the first floor of storefronts.
Ghosts are every where and in every culture. The Japanese ghost Onryō is able to return to the physical world in order to seek vengeance. Goryō are vengeance ghosts from the aristocratic classes, especially those who have been martyred.

The fear of ghosts, their vengeance and mischief are a common base for a plot in the ghost story literary genre and in ghost movies.
Most of us experience a certain thrill of anxiety when telling ghost stories or watching movies that feature ghosts and other supernatural entities. Most people are able to control this fear, though, and even enjoy the feeling that it creates. For some people, however, this fear is overwhelming and life-limiting, thereby meeting the traditional definition of a phobia.
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder…
In this world of wonder, I wonder about magical thinking. Magical thinking is the belief that one’s ideas, thoughts, wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical world. Although magical thinking can be a very normal human response it can also be counterproductive at times and even be a sign of a mental health concern. Activating good luck superstitions is a common way people positively engage in magical thinking. On the other hadn’t, magical thinking can become a concern when it gets in the way of normal daily activities.
But, in this world of wonders I ask myself… why do we fear ghosts and spirits?
Fear of ghosts stems from our fear of the unknown. This is a deep-seated fear that is hardwired into our genetic makeup.

A ghost is the manifestation of a person who is dead. Not only is it an entity that we don’t understand, it is also a resident of the mysterious land of the dead.
Some ghosts are women, some are men. They aren’t abstract or pale. No witches, but ghosts
who come, moving their useless arms and legs. Not devils, but ghosts.
They are not so different from us. Once they were alive now they are gone. Sometimes they are shadows that float around us. They are here, where men’s eyes were empty and bright.
I am almost afraid of the wind out there. The dead leaves skip while the windows clatter. The clock ticks, the books stand, the wind blows the candle light in the far. I wonder and I wonder and I wonder in this world of wonder… I am almost afraid. There are ghost floating by.