About dads!

Soraya Maya © Solkes

This are just a few words about dads. There are so special, wonderful, so magical. So very lovely. Many thanks for all you have done. I am sure that without you my life would not have begun.

I believe that anyone can father a child, but being a dad takes a lifetime. And, like being a mom, its a life filled with strong emotions, a rollercoaster.

Fathers play a role in every child’s life that cannot be filled by others. This role can have a large impact on a child.

Fathers, like mothers, are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Children look to their fathers. They also look to their fathers to provide a feeling of security, both physical and emotional.

Children want to make their fathers proud, and an involved father promotes inner growth and strength.

Studies have shown that when fathers are affectionate and supportive, it greatly affects a child’s cognitive and social development. It also instills an overall sense of well-being and self confidence.

Laura Viera A © Solkes

But, people have had to change their mindset regarding the role of fathers. What I mean is that the world radically changed with the social, economic and technical advances of the 20th century. As a direct result, the family structure also changed. This meant that more and more moms went to work. Then, many started rethinking the role of fathers. 

His influence was increasingly seen as minor, even negligible, and his importance was defined by how well he provided for the family. Another factor in the diminished role of the father was the then-new field of psychology.

María Claudia Vanegas © Solkes

In fact, psychology became part of the problem. Research studies did not place much importance on the role of the father, and his influence on the development and growth of his child was reported as “insignificant.” The term “parent” was often meant as mother — and father, if mentioned, was equivalent to other influences.

Only a small number of parent-child studies investigated the father’s role, and the few studies that were done at that time focused on the father’s involvement as reported by the mother.

For example, in a number of studies that used over 2,000 parents who responded to questions about parenting, not one father was interviewed.

An indirect result of the lack of research data on fathers was the implied assumption that they weren’t interested in fathering.

The pendulum of the father’s influence swung so far that the verse would have read: The fathers have eaten a sour grape that had an influence on the mothers, who chose not to offer them to the children.

Father is the person who makes the highest sacrifice and dedication for his children. He always takes the utmost care to his children. Every dad is a superhero to his children.

Soraya Maya © Solkes

I am unsure why, we are not used to saying “Thank You Dad” to face to face. This should definitely change because time goes by and so do the opportunities.

Don’t waste a single moment, let your father realize how much you love him and thankful to him for his sacrifices.

Laura Viera A © Solkes

When I was learning how to walk, to think, to laugh my dad was always there. When I got scared at night he always came to chase the ghost goodbye. 

I can still remember when we played ball, when you taught me how to walk, when you dried my first tears and more. All the beautiful things you have given me, each word, each gesture, among others, are incredible. You’re everything to me.

You guided me all my life. Sharing both the good and the bad. Every older man I see reminds me of my father.

I will never forget when you told me in the middle of the night that no monster or ghost would harm me. And, to calm my anguish, you slept in my room while holding my hand. You made me feel protected and sheltered by your care.

So, thank you, Dad, for bestowing love on me, for being kind and caring, for making me inspired, and for filling my life with happiness, peace and love.

I’m grateful to you for helping me reach new heights.

Laura Viera A © Solkes

Thank you for being a patient, a good listener, for giving me advice, for sorting out my problems easily. I can never ever repay what you did for me.

You’ve always been a wonderful father who is always there to help us and responsible.

Laura Viera A © Solkes

Whenever you’re harsh at me, I was hurt. The truth is that hose harsh lessons brought me on a good track. You helped me realize what’s right and wrong.

You carried me in your arms when I was little. By holding my tiny hands you taught me how to stand tall and walk with my head held up high.

Before being a great dad, you are a great human being. Your honesty, truthfulness, courage and nobility have made me a better person, I am sure.

Father, it is a huge word in my life. Now that I am older I have managed to understand that your love for your children has no limits. I am sure that life would not reach me to return all the love you give me.

Without you, Dad, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. You gave me a strong foundation. So here’s to you, dear father, I am forever a grateful kid.

I love you because you’re my father but you are a guide and a companion. You pay attention to me and always listen so carefully to what I say. In many occasions you pass on words of wisdom, always helping me along the way.

María Claudia Vanegas © Solkes

I grew up looking at how you acted and reacted. One thing that always stood out was the love you had for my mother.

Thanks to you I know what unconditional love means. It never meant that you were permissive and encouraged the wrong things. In meant that you would support me.

You are one of those men who speaks with his actions, who teaches by example and not by words. By doing and not saying, the world is built. That’s why I respect you so much.

Laura Viera A © Solkes

Although sometimes we have had some changes of opinions, nothing and nobody can change how I feel towards you.

You may have thought I didn’t see or heard, the many life lessons that you taught me… but dad, I got every last word.

I thank my lucky stars that you have stuck with me always, through thick and thin.

Your smile gives me peace of mind, your hugs make me feel safe, and your love and support give me strength.

My father has been someone who will always look out for the well-being of his family, for giving him everything he needs to live, for taking care of his health, education, principles, values ​​and more. A dad is the one who goes out day by day to fight. You are an unconditional friend in whom I can trust all the secrets of my life. You are the most wonderful Father in the world.

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