When discussing art and culture there are some people who make no difference amongst them due to the fact that they run in parallel paths. With this I mean that they are related in many moments.

Art appreciation is an alternative and beautiful way of understanfding life, ourselves and our surroundings. Culture is the enviornment in which the different artistic expressins flourish.
This means that culture embodies our beliefs, ideologies and ideas that identify us as a social group. On the other hand, art is the outlet that permits artistic expressions based on symbolism and materials.
The manner in which we behave and conduct ourselves comes from culture.
Each region, group of people, has a culture of their own. And, the best way to understand, see and really live the world that surrounds us is to simply accept other cultures.
The novelist, Marcel Proust, assured that “the true journey of discovery is not about going to other places but to actually look at things with open eyes”. And, this is absolutely true given that there is no benefit in traveling if you can’t appreciate things, if you are not willing to change, to really be affected by options and the circumstances that surround us.
It is important to note that art and culture are linked. By this I mean that neither of them exists without the other. All cultural representations such art, literature and religion manifest in the life style wach person has. Each culture is special and different.
On the other hand, art captures different cultural traits. The artistic language, expresed through sounds, colors, shapes and images sometimes says more han words itself.

Art reaches our souls, connecting what is inside us with external realities.
So, creativity is used to give a “deeper and unique” sense to the world surrounding us. So that the most mundane and normal things have an extra “level”.
But, it is also important to understand that art is one of the most special expressions a person may have. From the begining of times, our creativity has been present.

Art is all of the expressions that make our heads turn and realize that it has a deeper meaning.
Art is the particular way a person has to communicate him or herself. And, it is obvious that it can have a significant influence in culture, our behaviour and our life style.
In the same way, art is all around us: in magazines, in ads, in the decoration syle of a coffee house, in the clothing we use or in the tv programs we watch.
When a person is confronted with arts, in any shape or form, this will influence their thoughts and perceptions.
It is to be noted that, culture gives us an identity and it helps us shape character. The values that are shared with in a social group gives us a sense of belonging.
In all stages of a persons life cultural differences are important and necessary. And, because of migrations, we live in a multicultural society.
Due to this, we are exposed to people with diverse cultural, educational amd behavioral backgrounds. How ever, culture also sets us apart from others given that each social group creates their own cultural representations according with their preferences, fears, questions, amognst others.

Each person feels represented by traditions, elements, trains of thought which are part of the social group where we develop our life.
Having stated this, culture is what gives us identity and every country should guarantee its people the access to all cultural manifestations.
Now then, the different art manifestations such as music, dance, theater, etc are ways that people have to showcase their inner thoughts and emotions.
Art and culture can not be seen in a white and black spectrum. They are like rainbows where colors sometimes mix and some times are untouched.
It is important to note that art does wonders for our souls and bodies. So much so, that through out history, art has been used as a healing tool. So we can safely say that both culture and art are relevant in our evolution.