Almost as long as there has been life,
War has sadly been a part of it.
We continue to create war even though it
Only brings desolation.

Evil does exist.
Some are persecuted.
Some are facing all the slaughter
Men, women and children in death marches.
A walk that never ends.
Kilometers go by and so does hope with each step.
Many lost their boots,
Drunk with fatigue.
In the backdrop, in every side
The enemy seems near.
Their thirst for revenge,
their footsteps are loud,
The fear for the unknown,
the lack of empathy
It has all come together
to crush down our souls.
Nessa Twix © Solkes
We are so many and so few at the same time.
I wonder what wrong have I committed
to be treated as such.
A question with no answer,
the hallow wind surrounds my skin,
And no one sees the fear in our eyes.

Is it that time yet…time to die?
A picture near my heart
Of loved ones not yet forgotten thought apart.
Restrain the anger, run for shelter will be found
Just stop the blood
We have all had more than enough.
So here I am in eternal sleep, limbo is all I know.
This is hell on earth,
evil personified.
This pain plummets me, guttering, clogging, sinking.