The Walking Mother project

Have you ever thought about mother earth and her representations through time? You don’t necessarily have to be a hippie or follow any spiritual training to know that Pachamama is the living being that shelters us all in her. For this reason, we must respect and honor her by taking care of her as best we can.

The worship of nature and the gods that represent it; we find it throughout the history of mankind constantly and repeatedly until Christianity arrived. Currently, many people want to return to the roots of human civilization, looking for its connection with nature. Thus, the need to represent the beloved mother earth arises again.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

Emanuela Chiarini

I had the opportunity to interview and meet Emanuela, who is an artist who expresses herself from the heart and gives form with her hands. A woman of great wisdom. An artisan who works with clay.

She has delved into the ways of dance, music, among other arts, visited an art school and an academy of Fine Arts. In her work as an artisan, she has worked with different materials such as wood, glass, and clay: creating impressive handcrafted objects such as tableware.

Our artist has been very restless and curious, always learning, dabbling, trying, that’s how she got into the ancient indigenous cultures, rescuing their legacies: as are the ways to the heart. She has trained with Alessandra Comneno and Maurizio Balboni, she has collaborated with the associations Chakaruna, Ponte tra I Mondi.

Emanuela follows the path of the fire of the traditions of Central America. Which makes her much more sensitive to capturing the essence of the well-known Mother Earth. “The woman has stopped raising her voice and it is important that she recovers and gives her words to the world.” This is a piece of advice that Emanuela leaves us all women of the world. And as a woman, being a receiving being she transmits her message to us, through her beautiful project.

The walking mother project

To communicate positive words of origin in the feminine energy. Retake the ancient representation of mother earth. These are crucial elements that gave shape and origin to Emanuela’s project.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

The beautiful idea of this artist is to combine: the words she wishes to offer with the transport of the container she uses for it, which is no more and no less than Mother Earth herself.

To return to the journey of Mother Earth is an important part of this project, to remember through the journey of this small representation of the Mother. Because every word that is carried by this little mother has a destination, sometimes symbolic, staying with the person and other times very real, that the mother goes from house to house, from city to city carrying all that it entails.

By buying a mother a commitment is established to share her with the rest, taking the message to different parts. In this way, the journey of this mother is also physical. In this commitment, it is also established to let Emanuela know the situation of each one of the figures.

You should know dear reader that each Walking Mother is made by hand, based on a soft clay baked in a kiln that gives a direct flame. The variations and inaccuracies or small details are the constancy of the individual work and the evidence and proof that you are acquiring quality and unique products, even though you might think that they all look the same.

The figure or container for the beautiful and special words measures approximately 13.5 centimeters high and 6 centimeters wide and 6 centimeters deep. It is lightweight despite looking round; it weighs 200 grams.

This charming project that enriches everyone, was born to honor the powerful energy of the feminine as support of life. To remind human society that we must be based on dignity, love, and respect. To reestablish us as free beings who celebrate diversity and enjoy our relationships.

Thus the words of Pachamama resonate with us: “I am the Mother, ancient root and womb of the dream that creates everything. I am the Mother who generates and spreads the seed of abundance. I am the mother on the Way, with a powerful and magical step, thanks to you begins my journey towards the awakening of the new humanity” This is more or less what we find in the description that Manuela gives us on her website.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

This project was planned and meditated by its creator resulting in a service to the human community that reveals a universal beauty that anyone can understand. These messages that Emanuela gives us also tell us about the functionality of women in society. The mother has a womb, just like a real woman. Hers is inhabited by masculine energy, because Emanuela did not want to downplay the importance of this part of our existence.

Undoubtedly her work is a great social work that transmits us this deep wisdom, reminding us of the laws of reciprocity, the importance of balance. It is a celebration of life. In the ancient cults of humanity, which was extremely, deeply connected with natural laws, we cannot forget its magical and symbolic power of fertility. It gives us the vision of abundance and gives us the opportunity to open ourselves to new paradigms.

What this entrepreneur asks us to change, besides the right price. It is that when we have the mother we receive her with love, take care of her and spend a lunar cycle with her, to see her changes that are reflected in us. Meditate with her and be able to feel that transformation and that union that nature offers us and after this beautiful process let her go. Giving it away, donating it, making it travel.

Maybe you can do the same with yourself. Then you have to take a picture of it, you can also do it during the process and write where it is, a little anecdote, and Emanuela will publish these experiences on her website.

Creative process

The mother begins with the 0 that is the matrix, with the modernization of the ancient representations, giving it this shine, when it was ready Emanuela implants the seeds (masculine energy) that are clay balls, and each one of the little mothers are filled with a special intention that is inspired by the energy that Emanuela feels on the day of creation.

Giving the messages I was talking about before. As you can see the whole creation process is unique.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

Emanuela gathers her practical and spiritual knowledge, besides putting all her creativity in each new elaboration of these beauties. Possibly if you are a woman you will feel more attracted to this project. However, men can also honor the Pachamama.

The mother in women’s circles

Several women’s circles have decided to incorporate the work of Emanuela and to potentiate both works, so that word achieves an incomparable work.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

The cooperation achieves a deep connection with our heart and our sisterhood.

The women who make or are part of the circles, value this union and resignification of Pachamama. The message and the performance of these cyclical rituals of spending an entire lunar cycle with our Mother establish and strengthen not only the relationship with nature but also the relationship between the participants of the circle.

This establishes a bond that is difficult to break. For all have gone through the same process, each in her own way, following her instinct and her heart.

Listening to what the Mother has to tell her in particular, in addition to the message chosen by Emanuela. It is a unique experience. My recommendation is to dare to live it.

The Pandemic

Emanuela has had to cancel several live presentations, but this has not prevented the project from continuing. The creator of the walking mother has set about visualizing, imagining; and projecting more, weaving, and above all dreaming what she wants.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

She remains adamant that the power of words is very important in this time, especially in the present.

She found an opportunity by imagining a new world, as at this moment the earth is giving birth to a new humanity.

All crises help to bring out the best and the worst in everyone. In the case of this wise woman, it is the former.

For Emanuela, it is important to flow, to give ourselves the opportunity to choose to do the best for ourselves, and then to continue giving the best to others.

Words are nutrients, it is a teaching that this great woman leaves us.

Therefore, I invite you to reflect on which words you use and which ones you want to continue using and promoting.

Not because any word is forbidden, but we can offer our best language to create peace.

My experience

The following is what I gave to Emanuela through Yaiza Herrera regarding my experience with the Mother.

On July 8th I was given with much love the figure of our Mother Earth, this unique representation, elaborated with much effort and dedication in Italy by a woman, who has this wonderful project of the mother who walks.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

Since I arrived at my home, a small apartment, I felt an energy that invaded me. I was dying to take her out and put her in her altar in the dining room, which I had prepared for her, but that night the mother told me not to.

She wanted to go out and explore the atmosphere. She stayed in storage that night next to the orchids.

The next morning, I had to dismantle the altar in the living room and move it to my bedroom, curiously in the highest piece of furniture that has a showcase where we keep the most significant photos for us, those of our wedding, as well as other objects such as the hair that Robert cut and offered for the birth of Alisa, my proof of pregnancy that for us is still incredible.

Our mother wanted to be up there. I talked to her that day and explained to her that I don’t usually cut flowers or buy bouquets, I find it very sad but that little plants and flowers in a pot were very nice. So I bought two small pots for her. I meditated with her, lighting scented candles.

I felt extremely peaceful and with amazing energy. A lot of clarity of mind. My maternal love was reinforced, and I was able to have much more patience with my daughter. Harmony invaded us all at once. Every day I meditated and filled myself with plants, because in the end, we needed them at home, even though I bought them from our mother.

When my husband had online classes he meditated with me, and he was the one who proposed it. I offered all my frustration, frustration, and confusion to my mother and received understanding, patience, and clarity. Also, the more I meditated, the more the creativity flowed. Sometimes I accompanied the meditations with essential oils, sometimes with incense.

Madre Caminante © Solkes

The second to last week that our mother was with me, I was already much more confident and our mother knew it, she showed me that she wanted to go out in the garden so I informed all the neighbors that she would be in the garden not to throw her out or let their children play with her. And she was happy there among the rose bushes.

My husband started to fix the little piece where we placed the mother to make it more beautiful because in our garden nobody does anything and we started planting. Yes, potted plants are now in the garden, and more arrived.

This week I thought our mother was leaving on the third of August, so I did the last meditation and packed her up, but soon I had to take her out because she would be staying a couple more days. I thought the date would be Thursday the 6th which is the day the 28-day cycle is completed, but the date changed to Friday the 7th so again I had packed her up and took her out to spend her last night at her altar.

Friday, August 7, 2020, was the delivery of our mother to Mary, it was a very personal and familiar meeting in my home, we spent the morning in the garden with a delicious breakfast, talking about everything a little and we made the exchange. I received two beautiful gifts, something typical of Peru to go with my keys and a beautiful picture of my mother. Not to forget her.

Having our mother, telling her my worries, dreams, ideas, meditating with her, has reminded me who I am and has filled me with energy to have clarity in my goals and focus my creativity. Mother, I thank you for this cycle that you spent watching over me and I thank you for showing me my path.


Madre Caminante © Solkes

This beautiful project fills the community with satisfaction. Personally, I think that there is a need for many projects of this type that provide and give spiritual and emotional well-being.

I invite you to know more deeply the work of Emanuela and to value our planet, as I said at the beginning, simply recognize yourself as part of this world, which is where we live. Give the sacred value that Mother Earth should have.

To take care of nature, to be linked to her, to honor her with or without a physical representation of her, is something vital, for us to change this current society. Listen to how she speaks to us, do not forget the pandemic, climate change, mass extinctions. All these are cries of our Pachamama. Let’s open our senses and make the change.

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