It is that time of the year when we ask each other important things. Not meaning that the rest of the year isn’t a perfect moment to do so, it’s just that December or Chirstams time is a moment in time when this tends to happen more often. Having that said, it is important to ask ourselves: why? why should we care? what do we need to do to make changes? are changes important?
Generally we present social iniciatives in this section of our magazine. We do that because we believe that in order for change to happen, even in a small amount, people must know about it. They need to know about the problem, possible solutions (there are many options) and who is doing what and where!
But before all that, we must state some important thoughts or so we think so. Here, we go.
Firstly, we will begin with the concept of caring. The Miriam Webster dictionary defines this word as feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others.
So, as simple as the definition, caring is key for a healthy relationship with ourselves and those around us.
Caring is a good trait to have. But…what is caring? Caring is when you do a good act for someone else.
Caring for others is wonderful and noble. But, caring means much more than that. It goes beyond taking care of family members and friends.
Caring is being compassionate and supporting people as they go through tough times. Caring is helping others in time of needs.
Equally important is the the word and concept Empathy. The Miriam Webster Dictionary states that it means: the ability to share and understand the emotions of others.
There are three ways of looking at empathy.
Affective Empathy: the ability to share the emotions of others.
Cognitive Empathy: the ability to understand the emotions of others.
Emotional Regulation: the ability to regulate one’s emotions.
A huge problem that we are facing is that people seem to be more egocentric, thinking more of their own rights and benefits at the expense of others.
We help each other because of the different reasons. Some people help, because they feel they have to. Others help because they wish to give some positive energy or just because they must help.
In a nutshell: if you wish to help other people, just listen to their problems, but do not judge them. It is the easiest thing that can be done. That being said, avoiding to pass judgment is not. A lot of people know the answers to their questions, but they have not realized it.
When you allow others to speak about problems, to discuss it, you give them the great opportunity to check the situation from the other side and to find the best solution of it.
When you change the life of other people, you get an amazing feeling. You can mentor someone. Consequently you will help them to avoid the mistakes you had and will teach them how to overcome some difficulties.
It is paramount that when someone commits to offer a helping hand, they don’t stop half way. People will be grateful to you for your help and will appreciate your efforts and time you spent.
But, being thankful does not come easy to most people. So, don’t expect to be thanked or recognized always.
You should understand, that help is not something like goods, which is possible to sell with benefits. We help each other just because we want to do in this way.
Also, you need to understand, that before helping other people, you need to be ready to do it. It is clear, that there can be different kinds of help, everything depends on our possibilities.
Nevertheless, not everyone is ready or wants to recieve help. And, that should also be respected.
All of us can help other people and all can be the part of the mechanism, which can change our life and make it better. In any case, if you help other people, you become happier than you were before and you can be sure, that people will help you too.
But it’s important to remember that giving doesn’t always feel great. Sometimes, it is the complete opposite. Having this in mind there are several things to keep in the bak of our heads.
The first thing should be to find your passion in regards to helping because this will make it more rewarding. It should not be simply a matter of choosing the right thing, but also a matter of choosing what is right for us.
The second should be, time. The gift of time is often more valuable to the receiver and more satisfying for the giver than the gift of money.
Finding ways to integrate interests and skills with the needs of others is so important because you will be proud of the end results.
Most importantly, you should keep in mind is to no be guilt-tripped into giving. The thing is that is you are guilt tripped then chances are we will not be very committed over time to the cause.
We want to thank all of the people who have decided to reach out and help others. Those who have put their needs in second place and given priority to others.
We have always known that helping others, in whatever matter, is paramount for our communities, lives, minds and souls. That is what we believe to be true.
So, those little things have great meaning, make the difference. The key to “succes” when helping others is to find the approach that fits us. When we find something that we care about, that touches our hearts, then we give more. The more we stand to gain purpose, meaning and happiness the better it is for each person.