There is a lot of talk about animal protection now a days. It is a “cool” theme. But beyond whether it is fashionable, if its trendy, if it makes you part of the cool kidas, it is a really important issue. It is important because all living beings have rights. No matter their origin, their race, gender or species.
It is about the breed
In this occasion we will talk about dangerous breed dogs. In Colombia, this issue is handled by the Police.
The new Police Code has devoted a part of itslef to dogs of “potentially dangerous breeds” and has stablished a series of requirements for their owners.

It is important to bear in mind that the norm defines as a dangerous dog as a dog that has had episodes of aggression against people or that has caused the death of other dogs. Also, dogs that have been trained to attack and defend themselves are also considered dangerous.

Now, it is necessary to understand that there are too many unscrupulous people who buy these dogs as puppies and mistreat them and educate them to attack.
To teach them how to fight, how to defend themselves in this situation, the treatment they are given is inhumane. They throw hot oil at them and when they are puppies they are locked up with bigger dogs so that they have to be forced to defend themselves.
The breeds of dangerous dogs with their crosses or hybrids are the following: American staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Argentine Dogo, Dogo bordeaux, Fila brasileiro, Neapolitan Menoastin, Bull terrier, Pit bull terrier, American pit bull terrier,
, Staffordshire terrier and Japanese Tosa.
The house for hope (casa esperanza)
Well, after having drenched a little more about the issue of dangerous breeds in Colombia we decided to talk to Tatiana Moreno, founder of Casa Esperanza – Salvando Vidas. A foundation dedicated to saving the lives of dogs of dangerous breeds.
Solkes: How was this social project born?
Tatiana Moreno, founder Casa Esperanza: This project was born from the union of two friends who rescued independently and joined by love and passion for races considered as potentially dangerous.
Solkes: Why was it created?
Tatiana Moreno, founder Casa Esperanza: Due to the need to have a space of their own and aplace where the physical and emotional recovery of puppies that have been abandoned could take place. So that dogs that have found a new opportunity may find a responsible home. In addition to this we paid monthly payments for each of them and we came to the conclusion that having our own space could become more economical and we could house more puppies than we had at that moment.

The idea behind the foundations name was always very clear. They wanted it to be something shocking. Something that would show what these women feel and what the dogs have meant to them.
The foundation is named after one of the founders. Esperanza Romero, has been the leader of this project and who now spends most of her life to raise these puppies victims of neglect, abuse, clandestine fights and exploitation.
They want to save lives. Also to make people aware of the importance of ADOPTION, of NON-ABANDONMENT, of respect for animals and especially for these battered races, to find beautiful and responsible homes for the 45 members of CASA DE ESPERANZA. Another objective is to make the corporation self-sustainable through the implementation of a dog daycare center, as profits would be invested in the maintenance expenses of the puppies.
The indifference
I was impressed to learn that unlike what most people think. Breeds that are considered as potentially dangerous are suffering the most because of unethical and rotten people who have dedicated themselves to exploiting them. In addition to this, they sell their offspring in an uncontrolled manner, making the abandonment rate increase daily. increasing day by day the abandonment rates.
Most of these puppies end up on the street sick or used for clandestine fights.
The objective is to dedicate help these animals because they consider them beautiful breeds, noble and loyal. They suffer so much and that is why they get help from this foundation.
Solkes: What is the importance of defending and promoting these animals?
Tatiana Moreno, founder Casa Esperanza: The importance is the awareness that is created around people who have known and supported this project. The promotion of responsible adoption, the importance of not supporting the sale of lives, currently we have not seen the first race that will not be victimized, all races can be.

Working with no budget
This foundation works with “scraps”, basically no budget. They use their own resources, maintenance (rent, worker, food or with a monthly fee that helps the expenses of the vast majority of these resources.

Almost all the cases are from the same town (USME) where the foundation is located. This location is one of the places with highest rate of abandonment for potentially dangerouse breeds.
On the other hand, the rest of the cases are reported on Facebook. If they can take care of them, they do.
Firstly with a veterinary consultation that allows us to establish the state of the animal. Then they are vaccinated and sterilised. Then the resocialization process begins. Most of them have behavioral problems as a result of their experiences.
Solkes: What do we need to do as a society to help?
Tatiana Moreno, founder Casa Esperanza: It is the responsibility of the community to stop being a part of the explotation and abandonment problem by buying these dogs. More effective animal protection laws are desperately needed. The police has to help more, not only by imporsing the law but there should be a strict control and abolition of garage farms. They should be economical sanctions.
Achieving changes
Until now, Casa Espernaza has achieved responsible adoption processes for almost 72 animals since 2016. This animals have a new chance to live far away from the streets.
They have achieved the interest of people in this project and they have started volunteering.
Although they have done many things, I think they have a lot to do. For example, to adapt the facilities.
Being able to build more pens that can comfortably house the puppies and hopefully be able to acquire the land on which the corporation is located. They are currently paying rent. Finding more homes for the dogs.
Obviously there are many problems some of them are the indifference and cruelty. The thought that everything that happens is alien to us.

Laws are completely inefficient. There has yet to be a conviction because of animal abuse. They have reported aberrant cases of sexual violence against animals in addition to the typical cases of abuse, mutilation and beatings but no one gets punished.
Something that shocked me was to find out that the foundation has had dogs that have been victims of sexual violence by people. Moreno assured me that the look of those animals was pure fear and distrust.
To conclude we can only say that it is only necessary to say that we consider that it is really necessary to have control and care against animals that are possibly more dangerous for others. However, you should not stigmatize and that the rule should apply to everyone.