My most loved ideal is to have a free and democratic society that we can all live in harmony and with equal possibilities.
– Nelson Mandela –
Cartagena de Indias known as the Heroic City, Walled City or Playpen Stone is officially considered Tourist and Cultural District of Colombia and is located along the Caribbean Sea. The history of this city narrates that during the colonial epoch Cartagena de Indias was a target of strong attacks coming from pirates with the firm intention of plundering and destroying it, this is why the city had to be surrounded by castles and strong walls. Today this city fights against breaking the walls, not those that were built to protect it but the invisible ones of racism that the end game is to destroy and exclude the people who are considered “different” generating discrimination, hate, and violence. [caption id="attachment_4364" align="aligncenter" width="996"]
Breaking barriers
In order to reduce the racist and discriminatory signs that occur in the city and go against the dignity, justice and equality of opportunity is born in the department of Bolivar, the Fundación Palenque Libre (Palenque Free Foundation). It’s a foundation that seeks the equal participation not exclusive of the Black, Afrocolombian, Palenquera and Raizal community within its social, cultural, economic and political surroundings in society. Palenque Free Foundation, summons the heroic feat that star the towns of afro descendants in the fight for the rights to freedom dignity and African identity and the rebellion against the European colonialism slavery. [caption id="attachment_4365" align="alignright" width="300"]
The aim
This foundation aims to promote the organization, participation and concentration of black communities, Afro-Colombian, Raizal and palenqueras and defend their rights as an ethnic group, through constant communication and the development of participatory processes of social impact.Yenis Reyes a young member of the foundation states that make part of this organization has provided her the opportunity to meet their ethnicity and also auto recognized as an Afro descendant person, providing tools to ensure compliance of their rights and defend a society like considers it “racist ideas” that are manifested through discriminatory actions. Also, she is dedicated to be a guide to other Young people generating true change that lead to create consciousness and respect to the afro community in Cartagena.Palenque are cradles of freedom and independence in the American continent.
Objectives of the foundation
Several of its objectives to develop are related to the protection, promotion and dissemination of cultural heritage through prevention campaigns, awareness, education and training of the black community. The Afro-Colombian, palenquera and Raizal programs also seek to preserve and rescue the values, custom and identity of the palenquera community.It also organizes advises, supports and implements events of ethnic, cultural, folk and sporting character. Also studies the needs and concerns of black Afro-Colombian Community, palenquera, and raizal in order to assist in the search for solutions. At the present moment, the foundation has community projection programs such as: Leadership training and building citizenship, boost the ethno education and Afro-Colombian Studies, advice on economic and social development to the community on projects that is intended improve their quality of life. Also seeking opportunities for young African descent who do not have the same opportunities due to the inequality that is given through the Colombian Caribbean, for it drives the achievement of college scholarships for young Afro-Colombians. [caption id="attachment_4367" align="aligncenter" width="996"]Close to 50 young people have been benefited to enter college through these study programs.