Our planet

The environment is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, etc. In other words, the space in which the human being interacts with nature in a greater or lesser degree. Earth is the third planet closest to the sun. It is our planet, the only one we have, there is no plan B.

Los problemas ambientales

And, when we address this issue, it is important to keep in mind that environmental problems have always existed.

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However, today we find many factors that harm the entire planet. One of the most critical factors is pollution since the physical and chemical state of nature is altered.

The importance of the environment is undeniable and this has to do with the abuse and wear and tear that the human being generates in an ever more noticeable way. As a result, there are alterations to the environment that affect not only other living things, but also to itself.

Although we get all our resources from the environment, we continue to run it over. So much so that in recent times the growth of the world population to excessive levels and the increase with it of the needs of food and diverse types of resources has led the human being to generate severe damages in the environment.

Consequences of the damage

Slowly we all begin to see the consequences of the damage. Some of them are: climate change, global warming, diseases, extinction of animals, depletion of non-renewable resources, pollution of waterways or air, generation of greenhouse gases, among others.

So far, no government in the world has been able to take drastic measures that are applied to the care of the environment, due to the prioritization of economic and political interests.

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A clear example of this behavior is the United States decision to stop being an ally of the planet. What this means is that its president, Donald Trump, continuing his radical beliefs, decided that the Paris Agreement against climate change was not convenient for the United States. He abandoned in this way, the struggle against one of the most disturbing challenges of humanity.

Ink on paper

Yes, there are agreements signed and international summits are held. But in reality, they do not go beyond being ink on paper.

Some examples are: the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris Agreement.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement aimed at reducing the emissions of six greenhouse gases that cause global warming. The protocol was initially adopted on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, but did not enter into force until 16 February 2005. In November 2009, 187 States ratified the protocol. And, not surprisingly, the United States, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has not ratified the protocol, which ends in 2020.

The Paris Agreement was signed by 195 countries. It is an agreement within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which provides for measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through mitigation, adaptation and resilience of ecosystems for the purpose of Global warming.

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Sad conclusions

If so much disinterest for our planet continues, our future is really dark and decadent. Failure to reduce toxic emissions will result in higher warming levels, higher average temperatures, melting at the poles will accelerate and sea level will rise.

Today there is an increasing awareness of the relevance of these actions and not only individuals but also governments and companies have begun to develop activities that tend to preserve or limit the damage to the environment.

In conclusion, the Earth was formed about 4550 million years ago and life arose a few billion years later. But we are in charge of destroying everything, to reduce our home staged, to do damage so visceral that there is no turning back.

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